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Kevin Hufnagel

Who is my brother?

Who is my Brother?


Unsealing my frail eyes

I see the dormant world

A wasted heap of Earth

Free from souls but for one

A stranger beside me

Revolting Otherness

I pray to piercing light

From desperation’s night

Unto thirsting Unknown

“See into me, Unseen

Let clouded sight now see

It’s own limitation”

Radical stringency 

Structured relationships

Blood thicker than Water

Diluted by time’s flow

Remaining so unsure

Of relational fealty

Rendered fetid via

Selfish expectations

Familial, Sanguine

River once flowing free

Coagulated now

By selfish veins of thought

Constricted in concord

Obstructed in outlook

By this ultimate truth -

I suffer and I thirst

Should pain cease, veins unwind

And this river flow free

I will have failed to see,

I will have failed to love

Since this blood will not leave

Its own self serving world

My brother and sister

Existing to please me

Oh predatory pride!

Asphyxiating all

Can liberty exist

In veins so encircled?

Perhaps in shattering

Capillaries opened

Blood poured forth, drained from flesh

Negating selfish thirst

Through ichorous freedom

We mount as Icarus

Exsanguinated flight

Yet bloodless wings falter

In human blood, arrogance,

Relationships of use

In bloodless lives, despair

We plummet to the sea

Weakened humanity

So caught in the self’s cage.

From dilemma’s prison

Of arrogance or despair

We pray unto the Sun

“Infuse into our veins

Divine Ichor of Life

From Nameless Deity”


I am where I began

This cursed heap of Earth

The lowly Other still stands

Now bearing open veins

I am ashamed to see

I, like him, am exposed

Between our opened veins

New blood dances, alive

It is dull and human

Yet violent, thirsting, alive

Inhuman, borderless

A maddening old blood

Commanding submission

Unto a jealous love

It demands that I gaze

Upon the reviled

Shared blood, shared agony

How can I curse myself?

My own humanity?

Ichor most sacred calls

It ravages and cries

“He holds what you have lost

See yourself in his eyes”

I gaze, I see, I weep

A brother beside me

Entrancing Otherness

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