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Fr. Nathan Harburg

God's Masterpiece

For we are God’s Masterpiece…” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)

What masterpiece arrests you?

What artwork thrills yet tests you?

What manmade craft invites you?

Inspires, enthralls, and

smites you yet delights you?

Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa?

The bowing Tow’r of Pisa?

Mike’s Pieta so tearful

Or Sistine scene, so

thralling yet so fearful?

Stained glass of Notre Dame?

The Giza Sphinx of fame?

Manhattan’s Times Square Plaza?

Navona’s fine and

fountainous Piazza?

What genius compositions

By classical musicians

Tattoo your heart with beauties

Grant joy and strength and

ease to heavy duties?

Scarlatti’s fun sonatas?

Bach’s choral-rich cantatas?

Van Beethoven’s quartets

Or Mozart’s moving

sets of minuets?

Gus Mahler’s mighty “Titan”?

Rich Wagner’s “Flight” will frighten!

Debussy’s “Clair de lune”?

Tchaikovsky’s cracking

tunes so glory-strewn?

Yet Solomon’s finest could never compare

With nature’s most humble and plain lily fair (cf. Mt. 5)

Yet nature’s best work, nor sweet Mona’s smirk

Nor fav’rites by Handel

Could dare hold a candle

to THE Masterwork

God’s Masterpiece! To some, disguised

Unseen, unloved, unrecognized

The Apex of His works, despised

“The Human Being”! We’ll be surprised

One day by folks we loved? ignored?

To see they hid our thirsting Lord

Immortal bearers of Christ’s Face

Each thirsting member of our race

God’s Grandest Masterpiece, bar none

Among the creatures He has wrought

His Mother Mary, spotless one

Unstained by sin, by shame unfraught

This chosen one, to bear His Son

God formed uniquely, sparing naught

She, Throne and Tabernacle, spun

Our Life! Christ’s death

our death

dead caught

Be not afraid, nor be distraught!

Heav’n’s King and Queen for you have fought

They fight on fierce for you and kin

So let them in ‘gainst sin to win

Let Mary lead you again and again

To love Her Son, through thick and thin

To love Christ in

each deed

and thought

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